Leave a gift
in YOUR Will
Nurturing tomorrow, today
Bequests can transform arts organisations and are a powerful way to share your passion for chamber music with future generations.
Flinders Quartet is committed to cultivating a rich and inclusive musical culture in Australia. We continuously strive to explore and extend the chamber music artform with innovative programming and exceptional performances both in Australia and around the globe. You can play a major part in achieving this vision for the future.
After caring for your loved ones, leaving even 1% of your estate as a charitable gift ensures that your legacy will continue to inspire great music in the future.
If you choose to leave a gift in your will to FQ, no matter what size or type, we’d like to welcome you as a new member of the FQ Gift in Will Program. This program acknowledges the wonderful generosity of those who have left a Gift to FQ in their Wills. This extraordinary commitment is recognised in concert programs, online and in our Annual Report. As a member of the FQ Gift in Will Program, you will be invited to become closer to the quartet and its artists through various special events and exclusive opportunities across the quartet’s annual season.
Leaving a gift in your will (a bequest) can take many different forms, such as:
A specific amount of money
A specific portion of your estate
Assets such as property, shares or works of art
The residual assets of an estate – what is left after other gifts and estate costs have been met
Two easy options to include a gift in your Will:
1. Write your free online Will in 10 minutes
We’ve partnered with Gathered Here, a free and easy step-by-step online Will writing service. It can take less than 10 minutes to have an incredible impact on supporting Australian Chamber music.
2. Or, work with your solicitor or public trustees
All you need to let them know is our ABN 66 216 491 840 and registered name – Flinders Quartet Inc.
You may wish to use our recommended wording:
I, (insert name), give, devise, and bequeath (please specify percentage or share of estate, dollar amount, or detail property or assets) to Flinders Quartet Inc. (ABN: 66 216 491 840) of 20 Swan Street, Footscray VIC 3011, free of all claims, for its general purposes, and the receipt given on behalf of Flinders Quartet Inc. shall be a full and sufficient discharge to my executor.
Either way, please let us know, so we can thank you.
Please contact us to share your intentions so that we can thank you for supporting Australian Chamber music.
Contact Katherine on katherine@flindersquartet.com.
Flinders Quartet is deeply grateful to Maggie Dowling, a long-time supporter and friend, and the inaugural donor to our bequest program.
For more information or enquiries, please contact our Development and Marketing Manager, Katherine Lee, by emailing katherine@flindersquartet.com.