An interview with Scott Copeman (2020 Composer Development Program participant)

Recently we spoke with FQ 2020 Composer Development Program participant, Scott Copeman, on what the experience means for him and what he was hoping to gain from it.

Scott Copeman

Scott Copeman

How did you feel when you found out you had been selected for the 2020 FQ Composer Development Program?

It’s been several years since I’ve composed on a regular basis - my career to date has been heavily focused on music education - so I was pretty chuffed to find out I’d been selected for the program, especially considering how much the program has grown over the past few years. It’s a relief to find out that, having spent so much time away from composition, musicians find my work engaging and worthwhile!

What are you hoping to get out of being involved in the program?

To be able to workshop a piece in depth with a professional ensemble is a pretty rare opportunity for us as emerging composers. I’m hoping this program will help me develop my skills when it comes to writing for strings through workshopping with the FQ. Equally I’m hoping to learn from the other participants by being a fly on the wall as their pieces are workshopped too. The collaborative opportunities here are huge and will no doubt shape us all as composers and musicians.

How do you hope this experience might help to shape you as a composer?

I’m expecting to dive into some further writing for string quartet as a result of the program, but most importantly I hope this program can help me to become more aware and attuned to my own compositional voice. The medium of string quartet is such a rich palette to explore! On a more pragmatic level, how I can best juggle the competing demands of composition and teaching.  I think a lot of musicians find it difficult to balance their own drive and passion as an artist with other facets of their lives, so perhaps this program can help me to find a satisfying balance.

Flinders Quartet will perform Scott Copeman’s piece “The Tree Project” in a free live streamed concert - Saturday 14 November, 6pm to 7pm AEDT (view here)